Ordering Information
You can place orders via e-mail, phone or fax. I gladly accept MasterCard, Visa and personal checks from US banks only. Shipping and handling charges are based on package weight and type of delivery. The least expensive rate is USPS Priority mail (right now the rates are approximately $5.00 for packages 1.0 lb or less).
Click here to view the Order Form.
How It All Began
I started the "Mobile Mania" concept back in March, 2005 when I was trying to come up with a business to do at home. I have been doing the stay at home, caretaking, working thing for many years due to my profoundly disabled son, Daniel (now 23). As I was trying to figure out a new use for my paper designs, I looked at one of the mobiles hanging over Daniel’s bed (he’s mostly bedridden now) and the concept of “making photo mobiles” was born. I’m a “child at heart”, love to create, have always been interesed in photos and memories, and am constantly thinking about designs… plus, I absolutely LOVE to make papers (made with my imagination and Photoshop help!).Daniel is my inspiration. He also "inpects" each mobile before it goes out the door. If he smiles, it's good to go, ready to bring a smile to someone else! Enjoy.
Mobiles for Everyone!
Anyone can enjoy looking at a mobile, but some can really benefit. Think about someone who spends a lot of time in one place: babies, young children, someone recovering from an illness or is bedridden, the elderly, or the disabled. Looking at something that moves and is interesting to look at can be soothing or stimulating. And when you add your photos it makes it that much more special. In case your stuck, here's a list I came up with off the top of my head: birth of a baby, birthday party, wedding, vacation, school days, holidays, family-related (I did a great one of all the cousins), pets, graduation, anniversary, retirement, illness, friends, sports related, recitals, commemoration, sorority/fraternity, school spirit, business-related, awards, thank you, and the list can go on and on!